Leaving a trail can be extremely dangerous. This is only true IF they never left the trail. One of the girls parents walked the trail and concluded that getting lost was nearly impossible. Unless the backpack contained opened containers of food there is no reason for animals to be attracted to it, thus leaving behind an untouched backpack. The backpack being found intact and unharmed adds to this. In the wild you don't typically find intact skeletal remains because animals over time will tear off limbs and carry them away, you usually find the bigger and harder to carry pieces. Why was their backpack found unharmed (just wet) but only fragments of the girls were found (a pelvis and a shoe with a foot)? The dehydration and exhaustion theory is not that far fetched. Thanks to /u/Jaxspider for the CSS & Snoo!

These are used to portray the shadow of someone after they are gone. These are the last known photographs or videos of a person. She was described as aspiring, optimistic, intelligent, and a passionate volleyball player.No humorous or mean spirited comments at the expense of the victim. Lisanne was born to Diny and Peter Froon on September 24th, 1991. She was described as open, creative, and responsible. Kris was born to Roelie Grit and Hans Kremers on August 9th, 1992. Lisanne Froon and Kris Kremers were Dutch students. beatsworlds reblogged this from killerfiend.

luckiestluna reblogged this from killerfiend.girls-n-pizza reblogged this from killerfiend.stegosaury reblogged this from girls-n-pizza.

The remains are found, but many of the bigger bones are gone and we will never truly know what happened. Many investigators came to this conclusion but it’s still a mysterious and almost unsolved case. This is a very likely scenario that might’ve happened.